Wednesday, April 18, 2007


If not caught in bed, then with a warm water bottle in her own nest. She has still not fully grown into her size 10 skin-suite and continues to go into hyperactive and ballistic-mode when I take her for short visits to our clinic. She adores all her friends there and this mom finds the exhausted child gives her some time to herself if we then get home! She guards our home and her mom like crazy-so much so that visitors need to be screened and slowly introduced, or they will meet with her protectiveness, loud barking and occasional foot-storms. She simply can not resist socks, towels, mom's "pantoffels" and her plastic snake! Should I give into giving her one of the first 3 items, she would die and go to puppy-heaven! She is absolutely the most adorable, and cheekiest doggy you can imagine!~

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